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martes, 17 de mayo de 2016

Reported Speech: Teoría.

Republica Bolivariana de Venezuela
Ministerio de la Defensa
Universidad Nacional Experimental Politécnica de la Fuerza Armada
Básico de Ingeniería
Inglés I
Licda. Julie Landaez

Reported Speech

Reported Speech

El estilo directo se basa en decir lo que la persona ha dicho con sus palabras textuales y suele llevar comillas ("). Este trata de comunicar lo que otra persona ha dicho, respetando la información. En este estilo se utiliza la expresión “she/he said” y debe cambiarse el tiempo verbal de la oración siguiendo las categorías especificadas.

Directo: "tú tienes un e-mail"
¿Qué te dijo Pedro?
Indirecto: Pedro me dijo que tú tenías un e-mail.

Cambios de los tiempos verbales en el Reported Speech

El verbo principal retrocede un tiempo verbal: si en directo tenemos: "I live in Italy". She said. En reported speech: "She said that she lived in Italy".

Direct Speech
Reported Speech
"I work in Argentina"

He said that he worked in Argentina.
"I am doing my job"

He said that he was doing his job.
"We saw a good film on TV"

He said they had seen a good film on TV.
"I was dancing with Mary"

He said he had been dancing with Mary.
"I am working on this today"

She said that she was working on that today.
"I am moving the date for two weeks"

He said that he was moving the date for two weeks.
Present Perfect
Past Perfect
"I have travelled around the world"

He said that he had travelled around the world.
"I have lived in Madrid for 3 years"

He said that hehad lived in Madrid for 3 years.
"I will visit my mother"

He said that he would visit his mother.
"I will be flying to Spain"

He said that he would be flying to Spain.

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