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domingo, 13 de marzo de 2016

Tiempos Verbales: Presente & Pasado Perfecto

Republica Bolivariana de Venezuela
Ministerio de la Defensa
Universidad Nacional Experimental Politécnica de la Fuerza Armada
Básico de Ingeniería
Inglés I
Licda. Julie Landaez

Present Perfect- Presente Perfecto

El presente perfecto no resulta fácil de entender para los aprendices de una segunda lengua. Es una combinación del pasado y presente. Una acción del pasado tiene algo que ver con el presente.

1) Resultado de una acción en el pasado que es importante en le presente (No es importante cuando esta acción sucedió.)

I have cleaned my room. (It is clean now.)
Has Peggy ever been to Tokyo? (Has Peggy been there or not?)

2) Acciones completadas recientemente

He has just played handball. (It is over now.)

3) Acciones que comenzaron en el pasado y todavía continúan - mayormente con since (punto en el tiempo) o for (periodo de tiempo)

We have lived in Canada since 1986. (We still live there.)
We have lived in Canada for 20 years.

4) Acompañado con lately, recently, yet

I have been to London recently. (no specific point of time)
He has not written the e-mail yet. (He has not done it.)

Palabras Claves

Estas palabras te dicen cual tiempo tienes que usar. Para el Presente Perfecto lasa siguientes palabras son usadas frecuentemente:

so far
up to now

Formas del Presente Perfecto

El presente perfecto se forma con have y el past participle

have/has + past participle

Oraciones Afirmativas

I have played football.                         We have gone to the supermarket.

She has played football.                       He has gone to the supermarket.           

Oraciones Negativas

I have not played football.                         We have not gone to the supermarket.

She has not played football.                       He has not gone to the supermarket.           


 Have you played football?                         Have they gone to the supermarket?

Has she played football?                            Has he gone to the supermarket?           

Formas Largas del Presente Perfecto y sus contracciones

long form
short form
I have gone
I've gone
he has gone
he's gone

negative (have not)
long form
short form
I have not gone
I haven't gone or I've not gone
he has not gone
he hasn't gone or he's not gone


Past Perfect – Pasado Perfecto


1) Junto con el Pasado Simple

Cuando dos acciones pasadas se combinan la primera acción; la cual fue completada antes que la segunda comenzara, va en Pasado Perfecto.
The lesson had started when we arrived.             After Amy had gone home it started to rain.

2) El Pasado equivalente del  Presente Perfecto

He had played hockey.

Formas del Pasado Perfecto

El pasado perfecto se forma con had y el past participle
had + past participle

Oraciones Afirmativas

                         They had gone home                    She had played hockey

Oraciones Negativas

                       They had not gone home                    She had not played hockey


                        Had they gone home?                   Had she played hockey?

Formas Largas del Pasado Perfecto y sus contracciones

long form
short form
I had gone
I'd gone

negative (had not)
long form
short form
I had not gone
I hadn't gone or I'd not gone


I. - Fill in the sentences with the verbs in brackets in the Present Perfect.
Example: I ___________ my father's car. (to wash)             Answer: I have washed my father's car.
1. Karen________________________________ an e-mail. (to send)
2. Dave and Pat __________________________
the museum. (to visit)
3. They
________________already___________________ their rucksacks. (to pack)
4. I __________________________________at the pet shop. (to be)
5. Markus _____________________________
an accident. (to have)
6. We _______________________________the shopping for our grandma. (to do)
7. I________________________ just_____________________ my bike. (to clean)
8. Emily___________________________________ her room. (to paint)
9. Lisa and Colin____________________________________ to a concert. (to go)
10. My friends____________________________________ smoking. (to give up)
II. – Put the verbs in the correct form – past simple or past perfect. 

1) By the time it…Stopped…. (stop) raining the whole village…Had been… (be) flooded.

2) I eventually ………… (find) my keys which I …………..(leave) on the table in the living room.

3) After I …………….(speak) to the doctor I ………..(feel) much better.

4) I ……….(study) a lot the day before I …………(took) my English 1st Certificate exam.

5) I …………...(finish) tidying up by the time my parents………..(arrive).

6) He…………(was) sure he ………..(see) her somewhere before

7) We……………(was) afraid because we…………….horse riding before.

8) When I……..(spend) a year traveling I…....... (already/complete) my degree at university.

9) I …………..(eat) such a large breakfast that I only ………….(had) a small lunch .
 III. Write sentences in Present Perfect in affirmative, negative and interrogative form using the verbs in parenthesis.
Alice has showed her hat.
Alice has not showed her hat.
Has Alice showed her hat?
a.       Sofie (study) so hard for the final exam.
b.      We (write) a lot of beautiful poems.
c.        Margaret (travel) to Italy.
d.        I (go) to the cinema.
e.       They (bring) a lovely dog.

IV. Write sentences in Past Perfect in affirmative, negative and interrogative form using the verbs in parenthesis.
Alice had showed her hat.
Alice had not showed her hat.
Had Alice showed her hat?
a.      Sam (arrive) late to work.
b.       Mark (visit) wonderful cities in Europe.
c.        My mother (make) a nice dress for my sister.
d.       Clare (invite) her boyfriend to the wedding.
e.       Lia (want) to work in the fashion industry.

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