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lunes, 29 de febrero de 2016

Tiempos Verbales: Presente y Pasado Continuo

Republica Bolivariana de Venezuela
Ministerio de la Defensa
Universidad Nacional Experimental Politécnica de la Fuerza Armada
Básico de Ingeniería
Inglés I
Licda. Julie Landaez

Presente Progresivo/Continuo

El presente progresivo es usado cuando hablamos de:

¨     Acciones que estan ocurriendo en el momento que se habla:
Peter is reading a book now.

¨     Planificaciones realizadas para un futuro cercano:
She is going to Basel on Saturday.

¨     Acciones temporales
His father is working in Rome this month.

¨     Acciones que estan ocurriendo en el momento que se esta hablando:
My friend is preparing for his exams.

¨     Tendencias
More and more people are using their computers to listen to music.

¨     Acciones repetidas las cuales molestan al hablante (con always, constantly, forever)
Andrew is always coming in late. (I don't like it.)

Forma del Presente Progresivo/Continuo

Para formar el presente progresivo o continuo utilizamos la forma del verbo to be (am, are or is) y la forma infinitiva del verbo con –ing al final; ejemplo:

Oraciones afirmativas:

            I am playing volleyball.                                 He/she/it is playing volleyball.
                                    We/you/they are playing volleyball.

NOTA: Utiliza am con I, is con he, she, it y con los demás pronombres are.

Oraciones Negativas:
            I am not playing volleyball.                    He/she/it is not playing volleyball.
                                   We/you/they are not playing volleyball.

 En el presente progresivo se mueve el auxiliar (am, are o is) adelante del sujeto para formar una pregunta; ejemplo:

          Am I playing volleyball?                        Is he/she/it playing volleyball?
                                  Are we/you/they playing volleyball?

Verbos especiales en el presente progresivo

Existen verbos que normalmente no son utilizados en el presente progresivo como:

be, believe, belong, hate, hear, like, love, mean, prefer, remain, realize, see, seem, smell, think, understand, want, wish

A veces se utilizan estos verbos con el presente progresivo en las siguientes situaciones:

He's seeing his father tomorrow. (fixed date)
The group is seeing the sights of Paris. (see in connection with tourists)
They are having a great time in Kapstadt. (have as an activity verb)

Formas largas y cortas del presente progresivo

long form
short form
I am reading
I'm reading
he is reading
he's reading
we are reading
we're reading

long form
short form
I am not reading
I'm not reading
he is not reading
he isn't reading or he's not reading
we are not reading
we aren't reading or we're not reading

Pasado Progresivo/Continuo

El pasado progresivo se utiliza cuando hablamos de:

¨     Acciones que estuvieron en proceso en un tiempo especifico del pasado:
Peter was reading a book yesterday evening.

¨     Dos acciones que estaban ocuriendo en el mismo momento:
Anne was writing a letter while Steve was reading the New York Times.

¨     Junto al pasado simple:
While we were sitting at the breakfast table, the telephone rang.

¨     Acciones repetitivas que irritant al hablante (with always, constantly, forever):
Andrew was always coming in late. (I don't like it.)

¨     Una acción que se estaba llevando a cabo y fue interrumpida por otra:
The ladies were talking when the accident happened.

Forma del pasado progresivo / continuo

Se utiliza la forma del verbo to be en pasado (was or were) y luego la forma infinita del verbo con –ing al final.

Oraciones afirmativas:
I/he/she/it was playing football.
We/you/they were playing football.

NOTA: en oraciones afirmativas no se utilizan las formas cortas en el pasado progresivo.

Oraciones Negativas:
I/he/she/it was not playing football.
We/you/they were not playing football.

Se utilizan formas cortas en las oraciones negativas:

I/he/she/it wasn't playing football.
We/you/they weren't playing football.


En le pasado progresivo se coloca el auxiliar (was or were) se coloca adelante del sujeto.
Was I/he/she/it playing football?
Were we/you/they playing football?

Formas largas y cortas del pasado progresivo

negative (not after to be)
long form
short form
I was not reading
I wasn't reading
he was not reading
he wasn't reading
we were not reading
we weren't reading

NOTA: solo se usa la forma corta en oraciones negativas, las oraciones afirmativas solo van en forma larga.


I)          Cambia las oraciones a presente o pasado continuo usando el verbo entre paréntesis.

1.        I _______________________________ (study) English for five years in London.

2.        Peter _______________________ (practice) the guitar before the competition.

3.        Susan _____________________________ (drive) when the accident happened.

4.        Daniela ________________________________ (teach) language for ten hours.

5.        I ______________________________________________ (try) to get a new job.

6.        The tourists _______________________________ (travel) to London when the plane crashed.

II) Completa las siguientes oraciones colocando el verbo en Presente Continuo. Luego tradúcelas al español y escribe su forma interrogativa y negativa. Observa el ejemplo:

Alice is showing her hat.
Alice está mostrando su sombrero.
Is Alice showing her hat?
Alice is not showing her hat.

1.         The tourists take photographs.

2.         They repair the car.

3.         The dog and the cat play in the garden.

4.         Max sends you an e-mail.

5.         I invite you to my birthday party.

III) Completa las siguientes oraciones colocando el verbo en Pasado Continuo. Luego tradúcelas al español y escribe su forma interrogativa y negativa. Observa el ejemplo:

Alice was showing her hat.
Alice estaba mostrando su sombrero.
Was Alice showing her hat?
Alice was not showing her hat.

6.         The kids wash the hands.

7.         The doctor talks to the nurse.

8.         My friends open a new store.

9.         Peter and Tom work in a pet shop.

10.       I stay at the hotel.

IV) Observa el texto a continuación, traduce y transforma la información a pasado continuo.

Tom (save) ..................... money for months to go to France

and yesterday he realized that he had enough, but when

he (drive) ................... to the travel agency he remembered

that he did not pay the rent, disappointed he turned round

and went back home. He (get) .................. very angry when

he thought that he could borrow some money and finally

he could travel.

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